Monday, June 7, 2010

How does the world behave?

Today was our first learning session and it was all about Realism, Liberalism and Constructivism. Apart from the readings given, I gained an in depth understanding of the topics from our circle seated discussion because I had the chance to listen to my classmates different interpretations of the topics. Spending more or less 2 hours on discussion, the professor was able to summarize all our points into 2 ideas which were Positivism and Post Positivism. I gained a lot of ideas and insights from what she discussed and it made me question How does the world really behave? Do we base our actions from the ideologies we follow? or do we let society dictate how we should behave? The answer may be the first option or the second one but one things for sure, it can't be both.

1 comment:

  1. What are these "insights and ideas", please be more specific. You can also discuss the differences and similarities (if any) of positivist and post positivist theories.

    I would like to disagree with your last sentence. It can be both. As I have mentioned last night theories serve as lenses to look at how the world works, as no single theory can predict or explain ALL developments in the international arena. But if we try to use different theories to analyse why and how certain things happen, and of course within context, then we have greater chances of having a more clear understanding of how the world works.
